Sunday, February 20, 2011

Turning 30

Today is my 30th birthday, or like my friend Julie suggested, the first anniversary of my 29th birthday.

Somehow, it seems like a monumental age. I always thought of 30 as an age where you look back and look at all the great accomplishments you have achieved in your life, and all the ways in which you have made a difference.

I know in the eyes of the world maybe I have not accomplished much. Quite honestly, many times I feel that way myself. I have piles of dishes, piles of laundry, and endless meals to prepare. I am a cook, a maid, and a chauffeur. I wipe runny noses, play Barbies, and watch cartoons. I don't even get to shower everyday. And sometimes, when I get together with friends, we talk about the dishes, the laundry, and the kids. In the midst of all of that, I try to keep the spark in my marriage because I love my husband and want our girls to see what love looks like.

I never pictured myself here, where I am, at age 30. I pictured something glamorous, something romantic, maybe something that people would point at and say, "Ah, she got it!" I don't have that, not even close. What I have, is a life that has been offered to God, for Him to take and use as He wants. I have been broken, worked on, and changed. It has been an adventure, and although there have been storms and hard times, I think my 30 years have been beautiful.

I am married to a man that I still cannot believe chose me. He holds my heart, and I am lucky to have him. We try hard to make our marriage a priority and I am so thankful for that.

I have 3 beautiful girls. Ellie is everything I ever dreamed of, she is so full of life, and I am proud of her, so proud of my little girl. Nichole came to me and challenged the things I held as meaningful in life. Her extra chromosome had been an incredible blessing, she is my teacher of life. Nina has been a fiery furnace, and how God has used this little girl in my heart. What an incredible journey she has brought me through, and how lucky I am to have her.

I am 30 years old. Wanting to live a life that honors God, with everything I do, and with all that I am. And I am excited, excited to see what else in store God has for me.

(Yep, this is me when I was 4 years old)


  1. Oh my goodness does that picture look like Ellie!!! Wow! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Now, start making your "by 40" list. Its the list of things you want to accomplish before you turn 40. Just pick 3 things. You have 10 years to get them done! My list was things I was either afraid to do, or longed to do. Getting my bike was one of them. LOL

  2. Happy birthday... and I think the 30s have been pretty darn good, myself. :o)

  3. Happy Birthday my friend! Your first 30 have brought so much joy and a beautiful example of marriage, motherhood, and friendship - I can't wait to see what you'll do in the next 30! Sending love and a big birthday hug!

  4. Happy Birthday! Wow, 30 you are a baby still. I had my first kiddo at 30 so I would say you have accomplished quite a bit already!!

  5. Happy Birthday! 30 is special! I am loving my 30's....way better than my 20's. And you have accomplished so much already...I didn't become a mom til I was 32!!


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