Friday, October 12, 2012

A race to educate about Down syndrome

I am linking up with Gypsy Mama for 5 minute Friday. Where you write for 5 minutes straight with no edits, no over thinking. (And really, right now this is how I roll, because I have more to do than I have hours in a day! I can swing 5 minutes right? You should join too!)

Theme: Race

During the month of October many bloggers in the Down syndrome community have agreed to write every day to bring awareness. While I did not make that commitment, I have been trying to keep up on their stories. Just yesterday I asked these bloggers  a question: “How did your doctor delivered the news that your baby had Down syndrome?” I was shocked by the responses. I knew this happened, but the fact that the overwhelming majority of medical professionals are so uneducated (gas! Yes, I did say uneducated doctors) is just baffling!

We have a long way to go. This is a race, and we are running this thing. Our children compel us to spread awareness and educate even medical professionals that the lives of our children have value, that they are worthy of life, and they do bring us so much joy!

It is unacceptable to be asked, “When would you like to schedule a termination” upon finding out your baby has Down syndrome. It is offensive to be offered to place your child for adoption when he or she is first born, before giving the mother a child to deal with the diagnosis.

And so I run this race, this marathon of life with my daughter with Down syndrome. We need to educate people, we need to show the world that her life has great value. It is precious!  Her life gives me passion and inspires me to go on and challenge the world, even the smart doctors out there that seem to know so little about the meaning of life, of what it means to love and to be loved unconditionally, and who need to learn that a lower IQ is not a bad thing, but rather different. They need to understand that our children are contributing members to society. If it wasn’t for them, where would we learn about love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and joy?

All life is precious. 

An extra chromosome just means there is an extra measure of love.


  1. You are so right! All life IS precious. Thank you for this race that you are so valiantly running. I am thankful for all of the moms who stand up for their kiddos affected by Down Syndrome. It is beautiful!

  2. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ellen, that was a beautiful post! Your passion for both your daughter and the cause - the race you run daily are tremendous! I understand the element of "the uneducated" ever so slightly. My daughter and I both experienced it.
    Oh sweet friend I pray blessings on you and your family!

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Visiting from FMF. First, your daughter is ADORABLE!

    Having worked for a pro-life organization before, this is such an important topic, and one that isn't discussed nearly enough. I have two friends whose children have Downs, and they are such sweet, sweet individuals. One friend's little girl is in elementary school, and is absolutely hysterical. She's just the happiest kid I've ever seen. My other friend's son just turned 24 and comes to the office with her almost every day. He's outgoing and funny, and loves to talk to everyone he meets. He's helped out with cleaning the office and organizing stuff for us, and hopes to be placed at a job through a local organization soon. Like you, I just do not understand how anyone, especially medical professionals, can even suggest that these people - these individuals with wishes and dreams and goals - don't have the right to life. It is unacceptable that 92% - NINETY-TWO PERCENT - of pregnant women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Downs choose to abort their child - some at their doctor's urging. It infuriates me, and it should infuriate everyone. Thank you for speaking out and spreading truth.


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