Friday, June 17, 2011

Lego Land!

Today we got to enjoy the day with some really sweet friends from Iowa at Lego Land!

When we told Ellie that Sovines would be coming to visit us, she assured us she would scream with excitement when she saw them park in or driveway! She didn't scream loud, she just pretended to scream, and then was too shy and not sure what to do. Of course kids quickly get over their shyness and they were playing in no time! Ellie really enjoyed showing her new house. Nina was challenged to walk because there was no way she would be crawling behind! (That, and I think we are seeing the benefits of those knee immobilizers) I really think she used her walker most of the afternoon just around our house!

Sovines left after dinner to spend the night in Chicago, but we joined them today at Lego Land. If you have kids with special needs you know how challenging it can be to go to public places, even if they are created for kids, so we were not sure how well our girls would do. But at the end of our time there, we really did have a great time and so did all 3 little girls!

Nichole is not very social unless she knows the people she is with. She walked all over the place but did take some time to play with "blocks."

 Nichole and I then watched some kids playing at the play place. There were many kids and Nichole is very intimidated by older kids that really can knock her over easily, but she sure loved watching! And while she watched the kids, I just watched her. She is growing up quickly, for the first time today I did not see my baby. (Yes Amy, I did not see a baby anymore, can you believe it?)
 Nichole also had to hug every Lego sculpture. I tried to get her to give a hug to Mommy too, but she just said, "No mommy!"
 All my girls actually got on this ride. I rode with Nichole, and Ellie and Nina rode with their friends. I only got a picture of Ellie because I was standing in the wrong spot and no pictures turned out except the very last one as I ran to get better lighting!
 We watched the 4D Lego movies! Ellie loved it, Nina and Nichole were scared with the 3D glasses on! At some point Andy and I wondered if we would have to leave but once the glasses came off they were okay!

Here is Ellie waiting with her friends.

 Nina had really wanted to go play in the play place, but the older kids were wild and she was too concerned about keeping up with Ellie, which is not going to happen. She was content to find a corner and play blocks with me. Then she turned on her silliness and was making all sorts of silly faces "for the pictures mom."

Please don't mind the glasses. They were attacked by Nichole and we have to get them fixed!

 At the restaurant with her friends.
 Nina did incredible with her walker. She walked all morning. Did you get that? She walked all morning! I know some of you know just how incredible this is! Again, is this thanks to the knee immobilizers? The surgery? Who knows! But she was able to do this all morning! By lunch time, she needed to rest!
 Ellie saying goodbye to her best friend. I was actually sad as they said goodbye, Ellie really loves Brooklyn and her siblings. I bet Ellie talks about Brooklyn everyday and tells us how much she misses her.

We miss her family a lot too.
 Nichole did not last long in the car. She was out in just a few minutes after such an exciting day!

Quote of the day by Nina: "At the orphanage I never got to go anywhere, not even to a restaurant. Today I got to go to Lego Land AND a restaurant!" Now insert a little giggle.


  1. go ahead. really. tell us the truth. you just found some cute kids and took their photos. cus thats not ellie nichole and nina they are just WAY TOO BIG!!!! I cant even believe how much they look like BIG KIDS!!! wow. glad you all had a great time. leaving friends is hard but making new friends is fun. glad you all got one last gettogether!

  2. I totally see what you mean about Nichole not being your baby anymore. She really looks like a big kid now!!

    I am so touched and excited to see Nina learning to be just a regular kid.

  3. Loved this post! Spending time with friends is so wonderful. And Nina's progress is fantastic! You go, girl!

  4. Nina's comment at the end brought tears to my eyes!

    Love hearing that she used her walker all morning..I bet it's a combination of everything PLUS some added motivation. I swear...motivation is the key to all progress with our kiddos.

    Loved all the photos! Looks like you had a fantastic day.


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