Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Different Dream for My Child #1

My friend Jolene Philo has written a beautiful book with meditations for parents of critically or chronically ill children.

She will be on a blog tour promoting her book and being an advocate for these children and their parents. I am excited to be hosting her. In the next few weeks I will post a book review followed by an interview with Jolene. If you have any questions, please leave them on any of the posts regarding her book and she will answer them.

Also, I am giving away two of her books. By leaving a comment, your name will go into the drawing. The more comments, the greater your chance to win her book!


  1. Hi Ellen
    Just poped over from Downsyn!
    Robert had little health issues but I'd love to read this book!

    LinMac (Linda Robert's mom)

  2. It sounds like a brilliant book. Eden has never been ill but so many of our friends from the forums have gone down this road.

  3. That looks to be a very helpful book, just seeing the video brings back so many memories. My daughter will be having more surgeries, so this book is on my list to get before then! Thank you

  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I love the concept of this book. Lucy's extra chromosome was never as frightening as her heart defect. Handing her over to the surgical staff was the single most difficult time of my entire life. It's a memory that will stay with me forever. However, so will the sight of her surgeon emerging from the elevator with a huge smile on his face! I knew in that moment that Lucy was going to be just fine!!!

    Great work, as always, Ellen!! ~Courtney

  5. I'd love a copy of the book. My son Cael has so many health related issues and each week we seem to get a new devastating diagnosis.


  6. i know we have been bless with maxs good health, besides the high tsh levels and low cbcs,... i would love a chance to read this book:)

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